Riding the Wave of Over The Top Video Streaming

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Finance 101 Course: Baby Step 2 – Paying off your debt

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Now that you have completed step 1 and saved your £1000 emergency fund in your fixed rate interest paying account, you’re ready to  tackle step 2 and pay off your debt.

Good and bad debt?

There are two types of debt, good debt is buying a home with a mortgage which you can enjoy every day. Bad debt is reaching for the latest technology when last years technology is still very usable.

A little-known secret is that we should avoid keeping up with the Joneses because the Joneses are likely in debt.

TIP: If you are serious about getting out of debt then you must get control of your spending, and I suggest leaving your credit card at home so you cannot use it.

In baby step 1, we have put in place several good budget practices, we can now focus on reducing our debt.

Using the Dave Ramsey debt snowball method is a great way to knock out your debts one by one and becomes very motivating when you see the progress being made each month.
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Finance 101 Course: Baby Step 1 – Emergency Fund

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Welcome to the Finance 101 course, designed for everyone wanting to get off to a good start in life and over a few weeks, we’ll work through the seven baby steps (Source: Dave Ramsey).

Two years ago, I moved into my new home in July, and when the weather got colder in October, my hot water boiler failed, and instead of reaching for my credit card, I had my emergency fund available to pay £1200 and have it replaced with a brand new one with a 10-year guarantee.

Life teaches us that unexpected things happen and having this small safety net, will help you start to break out of the debt cycle.
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Finance 101 Course: Introduction

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During my career, I’ve been very fortunate to work with many fantastic graduates, and during recent conversations, it became clear that there was a demand for an introductory course to money and finance.

Personally, I’m amazed that our education system (at least in the UK) does not teach the basics and I hope that over the next several weeks, we can work together through a seven-step plan to help you get control of your finances and not the other way round.

  • Why am I writing this course, ”I wish that when I was your age, someone would have explained to me why it is important to understand money, look after it and invest for the future.”
  • Disclaimer: I’m not a financial adviser and am speaking from my own personal experience.

Benjamin Franklin Quote

Former US President, Benjamin Franklin once said “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”, and he was absolutely right, because the financial markets are designed to extract the maximum value from each transaction and if we’re to be on the right side of the trade, we should prepare to roll up our sleeves, learn and act.
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Speaking at TV Connect on 9th May

I’m very grateful to have been asked to speak on a panel at the TV Connect conference in London, Olympia on the 9th May, where I will be discussing “The Great Codec War”. The conference programme is available here  and here’s a sample of topics below. Hope to see some of you there 🙂

  • HEVC vs AV1: understanding the battleground
  • Are there alternative? What can effectively be done today?
  • Can codecs ensure the future of your service through differentiating services
  • In a fragmented video delivery world, is it really one size fits all?



Introduction to Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) Tutorial

To follow up my previous series of five articles on the important elements of a live streaming service,  I created an internal training course for Sky staff covering; transcoding, packaging, encrypt, origin/CDNs and video quality.

I wanted to explore new ways of bringing training to life and created an annotated online presentation of Content Delivery Networks using the excellent site. I hope you find it informative.


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